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Your right Dennis the Wagon was called "The Duke" .

a Guest Ha Ha. That's funny. I do recall The Duke also. Seems like every few years as shifts change their make up, the apparatus gets a new moniker. I see on the station patch it has Little River Express. I remember when I was the driver at 28 and we called W28 the Sleepy Hollow Express. Then there was the Rocket at E24. Hey???? do you think the youngsters who read this site know what we're talking about when we don't use the "4" in front of stuff??? LOL. 11 years ago

Finished my last 13 yrs of my career here through the station fire to 5 yrs in the trailers and tent to the new station. Loved every bet of it best house and group of guys ever.

Colin Flanigan I enjoy working there myself, although I just injured my shoulder and will be on light duty for a while. We have one of the best "on the road times" in the Battalion! 11 years ago
Jack Markham THIRTEEN-Phew, you were there more than I was at Co-5, 12 1/2 years, then the last 2 plus at Co-14 the old station before I retired. 11 years ago

This was my first house in January 1981. Capt. Jim Woodard, Lt. Ed Tobin, FFII Steve Markham (RIP) EMT Pete Pearson, FF Mark Dudrow, myself, C Shift. It was a great first 7yrs.

Chuck Williams is friends with Jack Markham