Battalion 1 - May 2015

Jason Peterson

  • Coordinated with outgoing 1st Battalion rep Thomas Biller on names of potential station stewards and communicated on 1st battalion ongoing business and points of contact. 
  • Made initial contact to several stations within the 1st battalion. 
  • Attended Fairfax County Sheriff's Union's Executive board session with VA Local 512's leadership in attendance.  Spoke on issues with the sheriff that are relevant to multi-agency approaches in the county, to include mental health initiatives, state coalitions on mental health from first responders, and gain perspective on other public safety organization's approaches to the county budget and upcoming Board of Supervisors elections
  • Coordinated with David Broder SEIU's Local 512 President on political action events and strategies that coincide with Local 2068's political action plans that benefit our members' potential pay and benefits countywide
  • Attended Fairfax County Democratic Committee's Jefferson-Jackson with Kevin Pitman (Sheriff's union president) and communicated Local 2068's interests in the upcoming Clerk of the County election, as I sat with democratic challenger Bettina Lawton (who also attended our E-board meeting)
  • Attended the May Executive Board meeting 
  • Coordinated with interim EMS committee chair Jeff Loach on possible upcoming approaches and new members to the committee in representing Local 2068's interests on current ems issues within the department
  • Coordinated resources to several non-members for means to joining Local 2068
  • Spoke on the importance of FirePac contributions to members of both the 1st and 6th battalion, 
  • handed out resources for either increasing current contributions or becoming a Firepac member
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