Craig Luecke Discussion started by Craig Luecke 8 years ago
1. Attended the June Executive Board Meeting  2. Have worked with Tom Simcoe and I.A.F.F. 1st District V.P. Romaka
with lobbying efforts with the U.S. Congress on the 9/11 Zadroga Re-Authorization Bill. 3. Have been working with the Local President and Tom Simcoe on
endorsements for the upcoming elections in November, 2015. This  will be for the Board of Supervisors in Fairfax County, and the  Virginia General Assembly. 4. Attended two political events. 5. Worked with VP Emeritus Will Bailey on his Campaign for City
Council. 6. Went over Political Action with Comm Director Craig Leuke, Batt  Rep. Jason Peterson and Jessica Pickett  7. Assisting with two grievances
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