Battalion 5 - December 2015

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1. Attended the December General Membership Meeting.

2. Attended, and addressed the December, 2015 Local 2068 Legislative 


3. Held a meeting with President Niemiec that was requested by members of 

the 5th Battalion.

4. Am currently assisting one (1) member of the 5th Battalion on a disciplinary 


5. Am currently working with members of the Virginia General Assembly on 

upcoming legislation to be presented before that body during the 2016 

session.  I also have prepared a report to the Fire Chief on all the Local 2068 

Legislation that will be presented before the 2016 Virginia General 

Assembly Session.

6. Attended the December 16th meeting of the Uniformed Retirement System.

7. Am working with the newly elected President of the Fairfax County Fire & 

Rescue Retirement Association on issues relating to our Active Retired 


8. Have started to hand out literature relevant to CIGNA Health Care, and Shift 

Calendars within the 5th Battalion.

9. Attended the December Executive Board meeting.

10.  Have been recruiting new employees to join Local 2068.

11.  Am currently working with one (1) work location issue within the 5th       


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