MassMutual@work Group Whole Life Insurance

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Some concerns that consistently rise with our members:

A.    Understanding pension options prior to retirement/D.R.O.P.

B.     Choosing an appropriate pension option for their situation which is generally an irrevocable decision. A wrong decision can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars over the lifetime.

C.     Health Deterioration often limits the options

MassMutual@work Group Whole Life Insurance is a permanent, cash accumulating life insurance option that can protect our members beyond traditional term policies. While it does what you might expect — pays out a death benefit — it also builds cash value over time that members can potentially use for a variety of financial goals. And because it’s portable, members can take it with them when they retire.

Advantages for our members

·       Easily accessible! As a Local 2068 member we do not have to undergo a medical exam.

·       Pre-existing conditions?  Local 2068 members that have had a previous medical condition and were once uninsurable can now get coverage!!

·       Applying is easy! Applying can be done online or via a paper application. Members answer a few questions to determine eligibility.

·       Affordable! Group coverage rates may be more attractive than individual insurance premiums.

Some Benefits of this program

Our group whole life offers the following 3 gurantees-in-1 certificates.

·       Guaranteed level death benefit

·       Guaranteed level/same premium

·       Guarantee increases in cash value

·       No medical exam and portable

·       Easy enrollment

·       Monthly deduction/payroll

This type of product is generally not offered to union members - especially public safety. With our partnership, we have been able to secure this benefit for our members as an option starting July 8th, 2019. You must be an active member of the local to be eligible for this benefit.

You can now sign up for this benefit with the given link below.

User ID: Your County 6 digit ID (Last 6 Digits, leave off the 0000s)

Password/Pin: Your four-digit year of birth


 For further information on this benefit please contact Freddie Rappina at 703-981-1735 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.